Liaisons Dangereuses – Liaisons Dangereuses
Liaisons Dangereuses self-titled debut album was not an immediate success on its’ release in 1981, but its’ influence would spread far and wide. Almost entirely made up of synthesized rhythms, chords and melodies – with the addition of stylish vocals from all three band members – it would help define the «electronic body music sound». It quickly became a big record in both Detroit and Chicago, inadvertently helping to inspire the nascent techno and house scenes. Listening again to this reissue, it’s amazing how well the music as aged. While heavy on stylish posturing, it still sounds thrillingly futuristic and alien. It should be an essential purchase for anyone with even the smallest interest in the history and development of electronic music.
23,00 € IVA incluido
23,00 € IVA incluido