CHBB was a project by Beate Bartel and Chris Haas that developed from a collaboration first embarked upon in 1981, while working on the self-titled album Liaisons Dangereuses. After initially releasing their music only on four limited cassettes, this compilation from Soulsheriff flaunts their complete works, including all recordings from the original tapes paired with several new and original tracks by each artist. One can hardly tell the difference between original and new here; from the surreally throat-sung contraltos of ‘NBKE’ to the jankily strange doubletimes of ‘Bali’, from the the warbly hypnotisms of ‘Shapeshifter’ to the womping-kicks-over-German-language-incantations of ‘Ima Iki-Mashoo’, there’s an industrial, experimental treat here for everyone.
40,50 € IVA incluido
40,50 € IVA incluido